N-(2-azidoacetyl)glycylglycine - CAS 1993176-75-2

N-(2-azidoacetyl)glycylglycine - CAS 1993176-75-2 Catalog number: BADC-01981

* Please be kindly noted products are not for therapeutic use. We do not sell to patients.

ADCs Linker
Product Name
Catalog Number
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
≥ 99% (HPLC)

Ordering Information

Catalog Number Size Price Quantity
BADC-01981 -- $-- Inquiry
Azido triglycine; N3-Gly-Gly-Gly-OH; 2-[2-(2-azidoacetamido)acetamido]acetic acid
2-[[2-[(2-azidoacetyl)amino]acetyl]amino]acetic acid
Canonical SMILES
Melting Point
White crystalline powder
Store at 2-8 °C

N-(2-azidoacetyl)glycylglycine, a chemical compound with diverse applications in biochemical and biotechnological research, offers unique opportunities for scientific exploration.

Protein Labeling: Embracing the realm of bioorthogonal chemistry, N-(2-azidoacetyl)glycylglycine serves as a versatile tool for labeling proteins. By introducing this azide-containing compound to proteins, researchers can selectively attach specific probes or dyes through click chemistry. This innovative technique allows for the visualization and tracking of proteins within complex biological systems, facilitating studies on cellular localization and intricate protein-protein interactions.

Drug Delivery Systems: Harnessing the power of the azide group in N-(2-azidoacetyl)glycylglycine, researchers can design advanced drug delivery systems. By enabling the conjugation of therapeutic molecules to carrier platforms via click reactions, this compound enables targeted drug delivery to specific tissues or cells. This precision approach enhances the efficacy of therapeutics while minimizing side effects by ensuring accurate release at the intended site of action.

Bioconjugation: Delving into the realm of bioconjugation reactions, N-(2-azidoacetyl)glycylglycine plays a crucial role in linking biomolecules with diverse functional moieties. From attaching peptides and nucleic acids to small molecules, this compound facilitates the modification of biomolecular structures to alter their properties or functions. Bioconjugation is essential for pioneering novel biomaterials, biosensors, and diagnostic tools, driving innovation in biotechnological research.

Structural Biology: In the landscape of structural biology, N-(2-azidoacetyl)glycylglycine emerges as a valuable asset for studying protein structures. By incorporating this compound into proteins at specific sites, researchers can conduct UV light-induced cross-linking experiments, capturing dynamic protein conformations and interactions. These insights offer a deeper understanding of protein function and mechanism within a cellular context.

The molarity calculator equation

Mass (g) = Concentration (mol/L) × Volume (L) × Molecular Weight (g/mol)

The dilution calculator equation

Concentration (start) × Volume (start) = Concentration (final) × Volume (final)

This equation is commonly abbreviated as: C1V1 = C2V2

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